To receive or renew a Brigham City Library card, please visit the library at least 30 minutes before closing time with the following:
Proof of address can include mail, digital statements, bills, etc. Applications for children under 18 require a legal parent/guardian to provide the photo ID and proof of address. If you are homebound and cannot visit in person, please contact the library. We do not offer digital applications at this time.
The Library is primarily funded by Brigham City property taxes. Individuals living or renting in Brigham City—or otherwise paying Brigham City property taxes—are eligible for library cards at no additional cost. The Library's Board of Trustees have approved several other no-fee, non-resident membership categories, listed below.
All others may receive a library card by paying a non-resident fee.
* Requires some form of additional documentation showing category eligibility (e.g. Brigham property tax statement; City employee badge; proof of BESD enrollment; etc.)
Individuals who do not fall into any of the membership categories listed above may purchase library membership. This non-resident membership payment covers all individuals in a household (everyone at that address may receive a library card if they choose). Year-length memberships are the best value and are cheaper than many subscription and streaming services.
Library services are also available to county residents through the Box Elder County Bookmobile.
For a list of libraries throughout Utah, visit
If your library card or keychain is lost or stolen, please contact the library. Staff can put a note on your account to prevent others from using your physical card without your permission.
**Note: If your current library barcode begins with a "P" you are eligible for a card upgrade without paying the replacement fee.
Brigham City Residents can get a free Weber County Library card thanks to a cooperative lending agreement!
Visit the Weber County Library website for application information.