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Reading & discussion on "Enduring Conviction" by Lorraine K. Bannai.
Selected Readings on the Japanese American Experience: A monthly reading and discussion group focusing on topics in history, culture, and the humanities. The group typically meets first Thursdays at 7 pm and is led by guest scholars. Pick up a copy of each month's book from the front desk. Click here to go to the website for the Brigham City Library's Humanities Book Group.
Enduring Conviction by Lorraine K. Bannai.
Scholar: Kerri Clement, PhD, WSU.
Book Description:
Fred Korematsu's decision to resist F.D.R.'s Executive Order 9066, which provided authority for the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, was initially the case of a young man following his heart: he wanted to remain in California with his white fiancée. However, he quickly came to realize that it was more than just a personal choice; it was a matter of basic human rights.
After refusing to leave for incarceration when ordered, Korematsu was eventually arrested and convicted of a federal crime before being sent to the internment camp at Topaz, Utah.
He appealed his conviction to the Supreme Court, which, in one of the most infamous cases in American legal history, upheld the wartime orders. Forty years later, in the early 1980s, a team of young attorneys resurrected Korematsu's case. This time, Korematsu was victorious, and his conviction was overturned, helping to pave the way for Japanese American redress.
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The Brigham City Public Library is located between Main Street and 100 East, northeast of the old courthouse.